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DDOSC conducts successful 1st regular ISO quality audit

Davao de Oro State College, in its unwavering commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, has successfully conducted its 1st Regular Internal Quality Audit for the Calendar Year 2024.
The Internal Quality Audit Team, led by Mr. Rowell T. Revilleza, directed a team of 29 internal quality auditors across all campuses. The audit process included a comprehensive evaluation of documentation, interviews with faculty and staff, and observation of various operational procedures.
The three-day audit was facilitated by the Quality Assurance Unit, headed by Ms. Nova Mae Bago.
Dr. Lilybeth M. Matunhay, the College President, expressed her gratitude to all participants and emphasized the importance of the audit in achieving the college’s strategic goals. In her closing message, Dr. Matunhay reminded the working force to integrate the culture of ISO in daily functions.
As DDOSC moves forward with the insights gained from the 1st Regular IQA for 2024, the institution remains committed to fostering an environment of continuous improvement, innovation, and academic excellence. The outcomes of this audit will serve as a foundation for future initiatives to enhance the overall quality of education and services the college provides.